Systema Sydney Russian Martial Art

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Multiple Attackers (downloadable) by Systema Master Vladimir Vasiliev

Surrounded. Confronted with multiple attackers. You need to be ready physically and psychologically. 

  • Vladimir Vasiliev prepares you with dynamic drill sets: 
  • Four-opponent warm up, stretch, body control and redirection 
  • Find psychological restrictions in yourself and your partners 
  • Escape from the holds of 4 attackers standing and on the ground 
  • Use of one opponent to escape and control others Push and strike against attackers on the move 
  • Work unarmed against 2 knife-wielding attackers 
  • Face the challenge of knife attacks when every person in the crowd is armed 

Enjoy the demos, study the drills, capture the knowledge and learn to prevail. 44 min. 

I hope you enjoy it,

Justin Ho
Principal Instructor
Systema Sydney Russian Martial Art